Grow Your Own Spathoglottis: The Philippine Ground Orchid Perfect for Our Local Gardens

The Spathoglottis, also known as the ‘Philippine Ground Orchid,’ is a terrestrial orchid native to Southeast Asia. It is known for its small flowers and palm-like foliage. Unlike many orchids that grow on trees, this one grows on the ground and can be a good addition to gardens with well-drained soil. The plant has deep green, pleated leaves that can grow up to two feet long. It produces small clusters of purple, pink, and yellow flowers.

The Spathoglottis can tolerate a range of sun exposures, from full sun to full shade, but it generally prefers partial shade. Before planting, it’s advisable to enrich the soil with organic matter to support the orchid’s root system. The orchid should be planted slightly above the soil line to prevent rot. It also benefits from mulching with an organic or slow-release fertilizer every few months.

The Spathoglottis can grow large clumps with pseudobulbs and underground stems over time. These clumps can be divided to grow new plants. The flowers grow from stems that are about twenty inches long. They may not have a scent, but they can bloom for two months or more and can appear throughout the year.

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