Gilbert Police offer tips for holiday season

With the holidays in full swing, the Gilbert Police Department has some safety reminders for residents to keep in mind.

Package Safety Tips

  1. Bring packages in immediately after delivery;
  2. Sign up for package tracking and delivery notifications;
  3. Arrange for packages to be delivered to secured lockers;
  4. Schedule deliveries for a time when someone is home.

Holiday Shopping Safety Tips

  1. Park in well-lit areas;
  2. Place all shopping bags in the trunk and out of sight;
  3. Stay alert and watch the surroundings;
  4. Lock vehicles at all times and ensure doors are locked immediately after entering the vehicle.

Home Safety Tips

  1. Remove all valuables from the vehicle when arriving home;
  2. Check doors and garage doors to ensure they are closed and securely locked;
  3. Install cameras on the property to monitor activity around the home;
  4. Going out of town? Schedule a Vacation Watch for added patrols of the home.

Online Safety Tips

  1. Do research before buying items online. Buy only from reputable websites and sellers.
  2. Arrange to pick up purchases from local online sellers in safe areas like our online exchange zone located outside our two Gilbert Police Department stations (75 E. Civic Center Drive and 2332 E. Queen Creek Road).

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