Phoenix adds new Community Court Program to help address homeless crisis

Earlier this month, the City of Phoenix launched its new Community Court Program. The goal is to offer people individualized support and services instead of potential legal troubles.

“My community was very adamant that they wanted a change in the increase in homelessness and for those folks to be held accountable for their actions. But this is a way to hold them accountable in a compassionate way and provide them a way out of homelessness,” said Phoenix City Councilwoman Ann O’Brien.

O’Brien represents District 1 and helped spearhead the effort after seeing the success of a similar program in Mesa.

“We just needed more tools to try and help folks,” added O’Brien.

After someone’s court appearance, arraignment or pre-trial conference, a prosecutor determines if the person qualifies for going through the Community Court process. Then, participants will meet with a navigator from Community Bridges, Inc. That person will put together an individualized service plan to meet the participant’s needs.

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