Phoenix Feb 06 Weekly Crime Report: 5831 Incidents and 52 Crime Stories

Phoenix Feb 06 Weekly Crime Report: 5831 Incidents and 52 Crime Stories

During the last week, Phoenix reported a total of 5831 crimes. The most common type of crime was Assault, with 1406 cases reported, followed by Suspicious Situation and Trespass with 994 and 891 cases respectively. Burglary and Theft also made up a significant portion of the crimes, with 660 and 644 cases reported. Other crimes such as Vandalism, Arrest, Hit & Run, and Shooting were less common but still significant, with 184, 162, 125, and 98 cases respectively. The least common types of crimes were Argument, Robbery, Disturbance, and Arson, with 67, 64, 31, and 2 cases respectively. The high number of Assault cases is a worrying trend that needs immediate attention. The relatively high number of Suspicious Situation and Trespass cases also indicate a potential risk to the safety of the residents. The data suggests that law enforcement in the place needs to step up their efforts to curb these crimes and ensure the safety of its residents.

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