Balance lessons return to St Joseph’s Westgate in Glendale

St. Joseph’s Westgate Hospital in Glendale will once again play host to a free, eight-week A Matter of Balance Class, which free to the public,

This is a weekly class starts Friday, Jan. 17 and continues through March 7. All sessions will be from 9 to 11 .m.

It helps with increasing independence and balance. A.T. Still University presents the course and students will lead the course.

Each session will be from 2 to 4 p.m. Fridays  in the hospital’s first floor conference room and healing garden. St. Joseph’s Westgate is at 7300 N. 99th Ave.

Many older adults have concerns about falling, and A Matter of Balance is designed to manage falls an increase activity levels.

Those who have fallen in their past or have restricted activities because of falling concerns should look into this class. Those looking to improve balance, flexibility and strength are also welcome.

Participants will learn to:

  • View falls as controllable and set goals for increasing activity.
  • Make changes to reduce falls at home.
  • Exercise to increase strength ad balance.

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