‘Just the kind of person he is’: HPS Superintendent Nick Cassidy plows teachers’ driveways

HOLLANDHolland Middle School art teacher Tracy Conley was shoveling snow from her driveway Sunday, Jan. 14, when a pickup truck with a plow pulled up to her house.

A familiar face offered to plow her driveway — Holland Public Schools Superintendent Nick Cassidy.

“I was really grateful, this is my first winter at my new house,” Conley said. “It’s just something you don’t hear about often, that the superintendent is driving around in his pickup truck plowing driveways. I don’t think there’s very many superintendents that would do that.”

Conley’s home was one of several stops for the HPS superintendent. Cassidy, who lives in West Olive, said he likes to stop on drives to and from the district to clear driveways for those out shoveling, particularly HPS staff.

“If we don’t have school and I’m heading out to a meeting and see someone shoveling, I’ll stop,” he said. “We have so many great staff. These are the people that are keeping our school going, anything we can do to help them, we want to do it.”

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