MiSustainable Holland: Plenty of local options to get outdoors in winter months

HOLLAND — As we adjust to the new year and set new goals for ourselves, many people have resolutions to get outside more. A new global initiative called 1,000 Hours Outside challenges individuals and families to get outside for at least three hours a day.

At the end of the year, this will total up to more than 1,000 hours of outside time. The typical individual rarely spends more than four to six hours a week outside, let alone a day.

The American Psychological Association found that the benefits from being out in nature can boost happiness and decrease stress to improve focus and memory. Nature aids our social, emotional, physical and academic capabilities by making us more curious and helps to soothe societal pressures.

As the 1,000 Hours Outside initiative states, “Nature holds tremendous power for each and every one of us at any age or stage.” The average American spends more than 1,200 hours in front of a screen each year. Challenging ourselves to seek outdoors time can be a healthy goal for the new year.

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