Unseasonably Warm This Week, Colder Mid-Month

As I type this around 7:30 am….here’s the headlines:

  1. Clouds hold into the early afternoon
  2. Dry air mixes in and the clouds eventually thin out…so sunshine late this afternoon
  3. Partly to mostly sunny Sunday through Tuesday, partly to mostly cloudy Wed.
  4. Dry Saturday through Wednesday, Rain showers Thu. PM into Friday
  5. Unseasonably warm this week. 40’s early in the week, 50s possible Thu./Fri
  6. Cooler pattern for the middle of February
  7. No snow this coming week, snow likely the following week
  8. Breezy next Thursday/Friday

Here’s a satellite pic. from around 10 am. The light blue is low clouds that have been “backing up”, moving from east to west. Many of us will start this Saturday with clouds overhead. When it comes to Michigan wintertime clouds, we have what I call the “stratus quo”. As the day goes on, drier air will mix in and these clouds should dissipate, leaving us with a good amount of sunshine for the afternoon.


Once the clouds break up, we should climb to the low 40s today. That’s about 10 degrees warmer than average for Feb. 3. We have a good shot for mostly sunny skies Sunday and Monday. Both mornings will be cool and any puddles from melting snow will freeze at night, producing a slick spot or two in the early morning. Roads should be clear and dry through Wednesday.

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