Pet Adoption Tuesday: Meet Whiskey!

Hello Whiskey!

This 5-month-old is already a well-traveled adventurer, having been brought to the Human Society of West Michigan from a partner shelter in Tennessee!

( Get it… Whiskey… Tennessee..? We’ll see ourselves out. )

Right now she’s shot-sized, but she’s part chihuahua and part boxer, so she could end up being a full barrel of joy for your family. FOX 17 // Chris Bovia
Whiskey is ready for a home!

If you’re looking for a partner, Whiskey is ready to roll. Just fill out the adoption info online to find out more!

The Humane Society of West Michigan is hosting a Valentine’s Day Marketplace, February 6.

Come down to Elevation at the Intersection, 5-8 p.m., for Puppies and Purrs. Enjoy pizza, shopping, and all the snuggles you can handle from adorable– and adoptable puppies and kittens! Humane Society of West Michigan

If you can’t make it, check out all the pets waiting for a home on the Humane Society West Michigan website.

This story was originally published here.