Resident disappointed in City’s response to opt out of public water

I am writing to express how disappointed I am in our City Council’s refusal to address my concerns or to respond in any way to my inquiries. My concerns involve the current extension of city water north on Summit Avenue to Twelve Mile Road. Last summer, I had a chance conversation with City Manager Thad Beard in which I mentioned that I had, months earlier filed a request per City Ordinance 2.2(B) that I not be required to connect to the main when it became available. Mr. Beard said that he had never seen my request but that he would deny all such requests, sight unseen. I felt that although he has the authority to reject such requests “based upon the circumstances presented”, for him to determine to reject all applications regardless of merit was improper. I then approached Mayor Konkle about this and had a nice discussion with him. He talked to Mr. Beard who refused to consider any change.

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