DNC Intensifies Campaign to Counter RFK Jr.’s Bid with Billboards in Michigan

The Democratic National Committee has upped its game in Grand Rapids, Michigan, launching four new billboards to shut down Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s rhetoric for the White House.

Their new hoarding puts the spotlight on his ties to his coalition partner, Super PAC American Values 2024, and supporters of former President Donald Trump, including Timothy Mellon.

“RFK Jr. isn’t fooling anyone. DC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd said in a statement, “They’re run and funded by the same extreme MAGA data and Trump allies have already dubbed them a useful agent of chaos in this election.” Michiganders are better off hitching their wagon to a Republican with extreme MAGA credentials than following RFK Jr.”

On one side of the billboard, there’s a headshot of Kennedy, and on the other, it’s Trump’s mug, with the caption “RFK Jr., Operated by MGM Trump. The Biggest Donor Timothy Mellon,” smack in the center.

According to a report by the Federal Election Commission, these billboards popped up after Mellon purportedly donated a whopping $15 million for the American Values 2024 campaign last year. Mellon also threw $10 million to the Trump-aligned super PAC that same year.

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