Missing Newaygo County horse found dead in pond

A family horse missing since last month has been found dead.

Kaleb Morgan, co-owner of Ride Love Buy in Grant, told FOX 17 in late January that a tree fell on a fence at his property and three of his horses escaped from a pasture and went wandering. Two were found and brought home. But the third, Major, continued to elude his worried owners and those helping search for him.

Major was 20 years old.

On Saturday, Ride Love Buy posted the following on its Facebook page:

“The final update

This is the hardest thing I have ever had to write however we owe you all closure

A trapper has found Major. When things thawed out his body was revealed.

He did go through the ice on a small pond. When he fell through, the ice re froze over and closed the hole, then the snow covered the evidence of broken ice. It’s was so cold that even the great Muskegon River was frozen. There was no sign of struggle on the banks. And for that we are grateful. We know that his death came quick.

This is never the type of thing any animal owner wants to go through, and we are extremely heartbroken. After having multiple search and rescue parties, highway authority involvement and a thermal image drone searching, we never could have imagined this is what we would have found. We are thankful he isn’t being mistreated somewhere and feel very blessed to have had him in our lives. Crystal had her heart horse growing up and Major proved it’s possible for someone to have 2 heart horses in a lifetime. He was a one of a kind goofy spirited horse. He will forever hold a special place in our hearts.

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