Man Discovers Veteran’s 70-Yr-Old Love Letter In Toolbox He Bought At Auction.

After purchasing a toolbox, this man was sure he’d get some utility out of the buy. But after a few years, he discovered there were a lot more than tools in the box. In fact, there was a decades-old love letter nestled in there!

The Grand Rapids, Michigan man had purchased a toolbox at an auction in 2017. It was totally unassuming, and certainly didn’t seem like it would contain a romantic gesture.
This image is from YouTube .

Nestled in the very bottom drawer of the box, there was a love letter to a woman in Grand Rapids , Michigan. It was from a veteran and was dated over 70 years ago.

This love letter has survived quite a few decades!
This image is from YouTube .

Army Cpl. Irvin G. Fleming wrote the letter from San Francisco and mailed it across the country to Miss Mary Lee Cribbs.

The man who bought the toolbox has tried to find Cribbs, Fleming, or relatives of the two, but hasn’t yet seen success.
This image is from YouTube .

The romantic love letter shares a tale of passion that reaches almost a century back. What a powerful and incredible discovery!

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