Courtroom packed for hearing of former sergeant charged with 2nd-degree murder

In a Kentwood courtroom on Monday, the next step in the criminal prosecution of a now retired Michigan State Police sergeant took place.

Brian Keely was working as part of a federal task force when the vehicle he was driving hit Samuel Sterling . The incident happened in April. Sterling died from the injuries he suffered.

The task force was attempting to arrest Sterling for absconding probation.

The courtroom was packed with friends and family of Sterling for Keely’s probable cause conference.

More than 80 people participated in the hearing over Zoom.

“Let me know that the community is listening,” Samuel Sterling’s mother, Andrica Cage, said.

Keely appeared remotely with his attorney.

The whole case weighs heavily on Samuel Sterling’s mother.

“I’m not really processing. I’m still crying. I’m seeing a counselor now. It’s just hard. The longer that goes by, the harder it gets,” Cage said.

In court it was discussed that the case is on a federal docket, but it will remain in the local court system unless there is direction given otherwise.

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