Rescue steps in after woman tries to euthanize adopted cat

This week, the team at Michele’s Rescue says they had to jump into action to prevent one of their recently adopted cats from being euthanized.

A woman is accused of violating the adoption contract she signed with the nonprofit organization.

A sweet ball of fur named Anna came into the animal rescue in March, pregnant with five babies. Scripps

Staff went through the process of making sure she was happy, healthy and well adjusted to being around people. That includes placing the cats into foster homes.

“The foster home, they get to assess her personality, understand what type of home she would do really well in, where she would thrive,” explained Theresa Ockaskis with Michele’s Rescue . “It’s really the bridge to finding her forever family.”

Eventually 2-year-old Anna was ready to start meeting potential adopters.

An older woman contacted the rescue looking for a kitty to keep her company at home.

“We actually brought Anna to her,” Ockaskis said.

They had to make sure her house met a series of qualifications and determine if she would be a good fit for Anna in the long run.

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