Grand Rapids neighborhood celebrates first gay pride parade

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — While June is gay pride month, organizers in the Creston neighborhood are looking for ways to celebrate Pride all year round.

The intersection of Quimby Street and Coit Avenue was foot traffic only Sunday as the Creston neighborhood celebrated its first gay pride parade.

En Vivo Church, the Creston Neighborhood Association, and Best in Creston welcomed excited community members with an enthusiastic march around the block to kick off what organizers announced as the “world’s smallest Pride parade.”

Organizers chose the month of September for the event to recognize the gay pride outside of the month of June, when many Pride events take place.

“This started as a joke about using the alleyway for the world’s smallest gay pride parade, and it just expanded from there. … This is supposed to be a great community event that celebrates Creston, keeping Creston funky, and making sure that everybody in the neighborhood feels welcome at all times,” said Daniel Drent, En Vivo Church event organizer.

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