DECADES OF DELIVERIES: Corewell Health’s NICU turns 50

Corewell Health’s NICU, turns 50 years old this month. We spoke to a family who found faith in the Helen Devos Children’s Hospital.

“They told me I was dilated to six at 24 weeks, I instantly started sobbing, saying. Oh, it’s too early. He’s not going to make it,” explained Alycia Weems.

Alycia is a mother of 5. Her births, we’re not easy though. “Four out of our five children spent time in the NICU,” said Weems. Alycia Weems
A photo of the Weems Family

Alycia’s post-birth plans certainly didn’t account for that. “Our first was born in 2011 and I was having a perfect pregnancy, then out of nowhere, went into labor at 24 weeks, and he was born an hour later,” explained Weems. Alycia Weems
Bentley Weems, shortly after he was born.

Their firstborn, Bentley, weighed only one pound and 12 ounces at birth. He was only 13 inches long.

Now, 13 years old and taller than ever. Bentley is now officially a big brother. Alycia Weems
The Weem’s children.

Alyicia’s fourth kid, was the hardest to birth. “My water ended up breaking at 22 weeks and five days,” explained Weems.

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