Meijer’s Curious 20 Year Logo Trend – New Logo Soon?

Meijer has been a staple of most Michigander’s lives as the go-to place to get groceries and whatever else you need. My family would always get excited to do a “Meijer Run”, or when us kids were bored, we would go just to walk around and look inside the video game cabinets.

Over the years, Meijer has had many different iterations of itself, from building layouts to logos. Considering the company is nearing its 100th birthday, it has seen a few changes over the years. However, one part of the company has developed a curious pattern: the changing of the logo.



Lets start from the present day and work our way back. For most of the 21st century, Meijer has had a large and lowercase “meijer” logo with its two blue dots have adorned the front of every Meijer supermarket from Michigan to Kentucky. The contrasting colors and symmetry of it all is pleasant.


Many of you are probably more familiar with the this version Meijer, which had a logo that was the opposite of the current logo in many ways. Rather than be lowercase with blue, the logo that ran from the 1984 to 2004 had capitalized M,E, and R and featured yellow marks over the ‘i” and “j”. The store built on common sense, as it was addressed in this commercial.


From 1966 to 1984, Meijer sported a very simple logo that treated the brand well . This logo focused on the letter “m” in a rounded box with “meijer” written beneath it. The red background made the white letter really pop and drew your eyes to what was important. Sort of like a button you could wear on a jacket.

The Curious Case of Caledonia’s Lone Meijer Gas Station |

Now Take A Look…

A user over on Reddit pointed out a curious pattern surrounding the changing of the Meijer logo. If you’ve noticed, each of the three previous logo changes have happened 20 years apart.

  • 1966-1984
  • 1984-2004
  • 2004-now

Obviously, we are now in 2025 and have had no announcements about a new logo, but could this pattern mean there is a new logo on the horizon? Lets look at the other logo changes before these. According to, the first logo ran from 1934-1957, a 23 year run before the first logo redesign from 1957-1966, a 9 year run. Neither of these fit any type of pattern…

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