Warning Michigan Residents: 60,000 Bottles of Water Recalled

Humans need three basic things to survive: food, water and air. Luckily air is pretty much available to anyone above water and in abundance. However in some parts of the country the quality is much better than others. I would much rathe take a day breathing in the air at on of our amazing Michigan beaches than an hour in Los Angeles. But air is free to breathe… for the moment anyway. Not necessarily ideal for some of us but at least it doesn’t hit us in the wallet.

Food prices on the other hand have been going up nonstop since the beginning of the pandemic. Just think, a few years ago a dozen eggs was a simple added expense at the grocery store. Now you almost need to take out a second mortgage at the checkout lane just to provide a week’s worth of groceries.

Then there’s water which we all get water from different sources. Some have well water which doesn’t cost anything other than the power to pump it out of the ground. Unless you need a new well or water softener. That can be quite the costly surprise. Others have city water which you pay for monthly and it is pre-treated before it’s delivered to your home. But you’re at the mercy of the water provider when a main line breaks, or worse, the water supply becomes contaminated. Flint residents know about this all too well…

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