Data Proves ‘April Showers’ Are A LIE In Michigan

As unenjoyable as the cold and gloom of winter can be, it doesn’t take long for Michiganders to think of the days when all the snow is gone and the world is lush and green once more. We can always find solace in knowing that Spring is just a skip and a hop away after Winter.

Few things are better than sleeping with the window cracked while it rains and thunders outside. As the old saying goes, April showers bring May flowers. But this got me thinking. How much rain does Michigan historically get in April compared to the year as a whole?


The phrase “April showers bring May flowers” is believed to have originated back in the 1500s and actually has no base in botany whatsoever. It is believed to be from a poem by Thomas Tusser, who lived in England.

April’s Showers Are A Joke

Looking at the precipitation breakout by decade from the National Weather Service (NWS), we can get an idea of how rainfall totals have trended since 2000 by month. Looking at the data, April has only proven the old saying right four times in the last 24 years,

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