Spinning the State: Madison, Marshfield, Green Bay

Stories you might have missed from across Wisconsin. State releases “big feelings” guide for parents of preschoolers. Young children are full of emotions but don’t have the tools to express those emotions so their parents can understand the. Help is on the way for parents of preschool aged children. The Wisconsin ​​​​​Office of Children’s Mental Health recently released a “Feelings Thermometer” to help people support their preschool-aged children. The guide is meant to help young kids identify their big feelings and manage them. A report on WPR, quoted Linda hall, Director of the Wisconsin Office of Children’s Mental Health as saying, “”We want kids to be able to learn about what they’re feeling, and be able to express in words what they’re feeling, and then learn coping skills and strategies for getting along with other kids.” Officials hope families turn to this resource instead of using phones, tablets or TV to calm their children. The office also hopes their guide ultimately helps young children handle setbacks or changes in routine, including attending preschool or childcare. Hall said they often hear kids are having big reactions to small events. The guide for parents is an adaptation of a “Feelings Thermometer” the office released in 2020. “We’ve gotten a tremendous response from it,” Hall said. “We continue to get a huge number of clicks on it every month.” Due to the popularity, the thermometer has been repackaged for parents. Full Story.

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