Manitowoc County Criminal Court Records

Cory Lee Augustine, 47, Two Rivers, strangulation and suffocation-domestic abuse and misdemeanor disorderly conduct-domestic abuse on 4/17/21, Guilty due to no contest plea, Sentence is withheld. Defendant is placed on probation to DOC for four (4) years on all felony counts and two (2) years on misdemeanor counts. Conditions of probation: 1) Assessment, treatment, counseling as deemed appropriate by the Department’s assessment process; 2) Maintain absolute sobriety except for prescription medication taken as prescribed; 3) Submit to random urine screens and pay for the same; 4) No contact with the victim except for as outlined in any family or injunction court orders; 5) Restitution in an amount TBD; 6) Six (6) months in the Manitowoc County Jail, under the Huber Law, imposed and stayed to be imposed at the agent’s discretion and by further order of the court (count 2 of 21CF1010); 7) Three (3) months in the Manitowoc County Jail, under the Huber Law, commencing March 1, 2025 by 6:00 p.m. (count 2 of 21CF1010); 8) Provide DNA sample; 9) Pay court costs; 10) Pay supervision fees in an amount to be determined by DOC.

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