Wisconsin River Bridge Project Expands, Additional Measures to Protect Endangered Species Announced by DNR

Residents near the I-39/90/94 corridor in Wisconsin may need to prepare for increased construction activities at the Wisconsin River Bridge Project. As reported by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), a new Incidental Take Notice has been issued, indicating changes to a previously granted authorization due to an increase in the project’s footprint and alteration in mitigation tactics. For those not in the know, ‘incidental take’ refers to the inadvertent harm or loss of threatened or endangered species as a consequence of construction or other activities.

The update comes after the Wisconsin Department of Transportation proposed several upgrades to the original project plans that include to significantly extend the causeway in the project’s southern backchannel and execute geotechnical borings through it. The changes also involve the excavation of sediments within the cofferdam footprint for what’s designated as Pier 12, as well as an update on expected timelines and impact alterations due to the expansion. The state-endangered starhead topminnow, native to these waters, could be affected by the growing development in the area.

However, the situation for the topminnow is not entirely unfavorable. The DNR has reassured the public that the proposed changes—though they will likely result in the taking of some fish—should not “appreciably reduce the likelihood of the survival or recovery of the species within the state.” These assertions come backed by additional efforts at minimizing and mitigating adverse effects, tailored closely in accordance with the new construction schedule…

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