GREENSBORO, N.C. (WGHP) — Every day across the country, members of the oldest federal law enforcement agency in the country are researching, tracking, and apprehending criminals. However, that’s only a piece of what their jobs entail, and if they were standing next to you, there’s a good chance you’d have no idea what they do.
“Everybody for the most part can do every job,” said Senior Inspector Deputy United States Marshal Michael Six, while sitting in his vehicle on a chilly, rainy Tuesday morning in Greensboro.
On this day, the marshals are out looking for a man wanted by the state for a probation violation. After an early-morning briefing, a team of ten men and women headed to Benjamin Benson Street, southeast of downtown.
“We have deputy United States marshals from the middle district of North Carolina, state probation, we have Forsyth County Sheriff’s, we have Winston-Salem Police Department, we have High Point Police Department,” Six said.
As the team surrounded an apartment building, they continued to look for additional information beyond what was already gathered.