The Winston-Salem Southbound Railway was completed in November 1910. This was seen as an incredible opportunity for Stanly County because it would connect the Norfolk & Western on one end with the Atlantic Coast Line on the other. According to the Nov. 24, 1910 Raleigh Times, the line was “linking together the coal fields of the north, the cornfields of the west and the rice and cotton fields of the south.” The line was also considered a more direct passenger line between the “great cities of the north and northwest, and the great cities of the south.” The first train, occupied by company officials and other dignitaries, traveled the entire line on Nov. 25. Initially, the line had a very successful passenger business. After World War I, roads were improved, and the number of automobiles grew dramatically so the passenger business began to decline. The last passenger train on this route was on July 8, 1933. Today the line still carries freight and is co-owned by Norfolk Southern Railway and CSX Transportation. Today’s picture shows the WSS depot that is now Market Station in Albemarle. {Lewis Bramlett – Stanly County Historical Society}