Plans for 1st-of-its-kind treatment center in Guilford County in the works

GUILFORD COUNTY, N.C. (WGHP) — Plans for a substance abuse and behavioral health recovery center for women and children are in the works.

The center will be a first of its kind in Guilford County.

It will be a residential recovery center for pregnant women and women with children ages 12 and younger. It’ll house up to 28 women at a time.

The facility will be at Gibson Park in High Point off West Wendover Avenue where Daymark Recovery Services, Inc. is currently operating a treatment facility.

“That population will move to another facility, so that gives us an opportunity to go in and convert that to this facility, which will be different because it will house children as well as women there, but also there are expansion possibilities there,” said Commissioner Kay Cashion.

It’s a need Cashion said no one is meeting right now in Guilford County.

“When I visited a facility in High Point to talk about another line of service that was being provided for men, I said, how many women are you serving,” said Cashion. “They said none. And I said, well, who serves women? And they said no one in Guilford County. And I thought, hmm, we should be serving women in Guilford County. So how many do you anticipat need that help? And they said probably 20 a day. We get calls all the time.”

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