Greenbsoro Police Department civilian traffic investigators average 300 calls a month

GREENSBORO, N.C. (WGHP) — Thousands of calls for service have been taken off of patrol officer’s plates in Greensboro thanks to a new program.

The Greensboro Police Department launched a civilian traffic investigation team to respond to minor crashes and let officers focus on higher-priority calls.

They officially started in March, and the program is working exactly as they planned. There is a team of five people who work five days a week. Together, they average 300 calls a month and help people who run out of gas and people who need a tire fixed, and they write up crash reports.

“We spend a lot of time in our vehicles,” Civilian Traffic Investigator Nadia Nicole Craneweir said.

“As soon as you hit the roadway, your radio … lets you know what is about to happen,” Craneweir said.

Once they get to the scene, they search for whatever tools they need in the back of their truck. They respond to small crashes, disabled vehicles and similar calls on their own. Sometimes, they help with traffic at big scenes or events.

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