Alamance County Democratic Party marks Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Inauguration through service

Alamance County resident Elaine Malone taught theater in Atlanta when Martin Luther King Jr.’s children began to attend her school soon after his death. She formed a personal connection to the family, which is why she makes it a point to recognize MLK Day each year by participating in community service.

This year was no different. On Monday at 4 p.m., Malone volunteered at the Alamance County Democratic Party Headquarters, where she has been volunteering and attending events since she moved to the area five years ago. Participating in one of four events ACDP hosted for its “day of service,” she and other volunteers made Valentine’s Day cards for community members in senior living facilities.

“It feels wonderful when you can give of yourself, and maybe nobody will find out about it but you’re giving of yourself,” Malone said…

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