Greensboro police offer update after missing man’s body found in pond

GREENSBORO, N.C. (WGHP) — The Greensboro Police Department have spoken out after the body of a missing 26-year-old man was found in a pond .

An independent underwater recovery team found Laequan Tyriq Little , 26, of Greensboro, and his vehicle in a retention pond at an apartment complex on the 1400 block of Bridford Parkway on Jan. 13.

Little was reported missing on Dec. 31.

Water rescues take emotional toll on High Point first responders

Two independent divers, Adam Brown and Jeremy Sides, said they gave police a vital tip to help locate a missing Greensboro man. They are part of the nonprofit Rapid Compassion Collective, a group focused on helping families with missing loved ones by searching lakes, ponds and rivers with their own equipment…

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