Winston-Salem Woman Charged With Insurance Fraud and False Pretense

A Winston-Salem woman is facing criminal charges after being accused of attempting to defraud an insurance company. Latricha Leann Mankins, 42, was charged with insurance fraud and obtaining property by false pretense, both considered felonies. According to a recent press release from North Carolina Department of Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey, Mankins allegedly submitted fraudulent claims to Triton Insurance Co., claiming she was unemployed in order to receive benefits while she had, in fact, returned to work.

The alleged scheme took place over nearly a year, from July 10, 2023, to June 24, 2024. Special agents from the Department of Insurance’s Criminal Investigations Division have accused Mankins of seeking to illegally obtain benefits she was not entitled to. She was served with a criminal summons last Tuesday and is scheduled to appear in Forsyth County District Court on February 6…

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