Large plume of smoke makes its way to the Triad from controlled burn

ARCHDALE, N.C. — “Where’s all that smoke coming from?” That’s a question many are asking in the Triad on this Wednesday.

Why is it So Smoky?

If you’re outside, you may have noticed a smoky haze that moved in quickly. There’s no reason to panic. It’s part of a controlled burn to our south.

We checked with the North Carolina Forestry Service. They tell us there’s a controlled burn in the Morrow Mountain area to our south, near Lake Tillery in Montgomery County.

Even though this fire is far away, the southerly winds are carrying that smoke plume northward. It’s impacting Davidson, Randolph, Guilford Counties mostly. The smoke only lasts about 45 minutes or so before dissipating.

Check out this video of the smoke from Chief Meteorologist Tim Buckley on our WFMY High Point Weather Camera…

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