A Winston-Salem man has found himself in a legal bind, following his arrest on multiple charges including insurance fraud and forgery. Eric James Moore, a 32-year-old resident of Winston-Salem, was taken into custody after attempting to defraud Geico Insurance Company. The North Carolina Insurance Commissioner, Mike Causey, revealed Moore’s arrest yesterday, as per an announcement from the Department of Insurance.
According to the charge details, Moore is accused of crafting a fictitious bill from Triad Radiology, claiming he had paid these expenses as part of an automobile insurance claim. The alleged fraudulent act took place on June 28, 2024. The agents from the Department of Insurance’s Criminal Investigations Division say Moore’s attempt to secure property by false pretense and his forging of documents led to a felony charge. This situation unfolded in a city where the struggle between staying within the bounds of the law and succumbing to the temptation for quick gain play out, not unfrequently, on the everyday stage of life.
Moore’s encounter with the authorities happened on March 19, signaling the end of his alleged scheme. Following his arrest by Winston-Salem police, he has been released on a written promise to appear in court. The forthcoming legal proceedings are set to commence on April 10 in the Forsyth County District Court…