South Carolina Bus Driver Uses Taser to Control Rowdy Students

In a concerning incident on January 24, 2024, a school bus driver in Spartanburg, South Carolina, resorted to an alarming method of discipline by brandishing a stun gun to manage a group of unruly middle school students. This incident, taking place on a route serving Carver Middle School, involved the driver, whose identity has been withheld, pulling out a pink stun gun with an attached flashlight during the commotion.

According to reports, the bus was filled with at least 15 students, exhibiting what was described as “loud and otherwise unruly behavior”​​. The driver’s decision to display the stun gun was an attempt to address what she perceived as a disruptive situation. However, it’s crucial to note that the stun gun was not used on any student.

The situation raises significant concerns about the safety protocols and discipline methods in school transportation. Spartanburg School District Superintendent Russell Booker expressed his astonishment and disappointment at the event. He stated, “I’ve been doing this 28 years and this is my first time dealing with anything like this”​​. Booker’s reaction underscores the unprecedented nature of this incident in his long career in education.

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