Greenville Feb 07 Weekly Crime Report: 120 Incidents and 7 Crime Stories

Greenville Feb 07 Weekly Crime Report: 120 Incidents and 7 Crime Stories

During the last week, Greenville reported a total of 120 crime cases, with trespassing and theft being the most prevalent, each accounting for 24 cases. This was closely followed by arrests, with 21 incidents, and assaults, with 19 incidents. Other crimes, including burglary, vandalism, robbery, and disturbances, accounted for the remaining 32 cases. It’s worth noting that the number of burglary cases was relatively high, standing at 9, while vandalism cases stood at 7. Only one case each of robbery and disturbance were reported throughout the week. The data suggests an urgent need for increased security measures, particularly against trespassing and theft, which are currently the most common crimes in the place. The authorities need to take swift action to curb these rising crime rates and ensure the safety of the residents.

Incidents Last Week
Trespass 24
Theft 24
Arrest 21
Assault 19
Other 14
Burglary 9
Vandalism 7
Robbery 1
Disturbance 1

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