Thank You for Your Service, Rosa Snaric

GREENVILLE, S.C. (WSPA) – Rosa Snaric is an active Army reservist. Her journey into the military started on June 17, 1998.

“I always wanted to serve my community, and do something bigger than myself,” Snaric told 7 NEWS.

So she enlisted.

Her instructor was a woman, who Snaric said she admired.

“Throughout my experience, I’ve been one of the only females in the room,” said Snaric.

A moment that would eventually come full circle, when Snaric became an officer.

“When I deployed, I also was in charge,” Snaric said. “I actually had three separate platoons at three different F.O.B.s or Fort Operating Bases. And so they all reported to me from different locations in Iraq.”

The deployment followed the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Snaric said it was a big duty.

“I enjoyed leading and I enjoyed being there and given that opportunity, but also your duty is to make sure that they’re safe,” Snaric explained. And so your priority is always like, ok, what am I doing to make sure everyone under my command is safe?”

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