Down Under Comes to Woodruff: A Festive Australia Day 2025 at Stone Soup Storytelling

Australia Day 2025 was celebrated in Woodruff in a big way on Sunday, January 26, at Stone Soup Storytelling, Muse 134 S. Main Street. With snags in hand and a plate of meat pies and sausage rolls, roast lamb loin chops, veggies, and fruit, the attendees heard Australian tunes and mingled with local friends and 10 Aussies who traveled from Atlanta, Charlotte, and elsewhere. The typical Australian fare was generously provided by host Sue Lawrie, formerly of Adelaide, South Australia, now a happy resident of Woodruff. The occasion followed a tradition of Sue’s mother hosting celebrations of Australia Day for decades “down under.” Some words pronounced by Australians differently from Americans were amusing, and many prizes were won in games. Did you know the front of a car is called the “bonnet” and the truck of a car, the “boot?”

A snag is similar in appearance and popularity to the American hot dog, though slimmer and longer, a sausage, usually beef, and a necessity in almost every eatery and social occasion in Australia. Ms. Lawrie tells her story of how she managed to acquire snags to share when no one sells them around here! On her last visit to Australia, she approached her butcher and asked how to make them and what she’d need. He sold her abundant casings and gave the recipe. She found one outlet in California that sells snags, but Lawrie was disappointed, “they taste terrible and are too expensive.” On a trip through SC, she discovered Revival Butchery in Greenville, and through descriptive talks and tastings, Eureka! Snags were created! They are typically served on a piece of buttered white bread, placed diagonally, and spread with “tomato sauce” (that we call ketchup).

Special guest Dr. Ryan Story just happened to be in the States for an award and couldn’t miss Australia Day by his friend Sue. Story is an Australian motorsport championship and business celebrity, and generous, committed philanthropist.

Australia Day, a national holiday, marks the first European settlement in Australia in 1788. An Adelaide radio station interviewed Lawrie live about her Australia Day event in Woodruff, SC USA…

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