Fifty shades of gray
As of this report, it will have been two weeks since my HC (human companion) had his partial right knee replacement. Things are progressing nicely at this point. He returned the knee bending apparatus and packed up the ice therapy machine until he has his left knee replaced later this year. He is doing physical therapy twice a week at a clinic here in Alameda and spends a lot of time grunting on the floor when he does his PT at the house. He accompanied me on one of my walks with my dog walker buddy this week. He ran out of juice after a block, but it was still nice to see him out.
As I mentioned last week, I have put together some “evergreen” reports to run while he is milking this rehab gig for all that he can, and as this week’s title implies, this report covers gray cars.
I think it was about a year ago that I started noticing a new shade of gray on cars. It was a creamy warm gray rather than the dark ominous steel gray that I was used to seeing…