- Human remains discovered in a 1,000-year-old cemetery near Kyiv, Ukraine, believed to have pagan origins, provide insight into the Dark Ages.
- The burial site contains weaponry, jewelry, and food offering remains, with researchers identifying the weapons as typical for the Kyivan Rus and northeastern Europe.
- Despite challenges from the ongoing war, the excavation project continued with support from various organizations, shedding light on Ukrainian history and the spread of Christianity in Eastern Europe.
Additional Coverage:
- Skeletons with buckets on their feet and rings around their necks discovered in a Dark Ages graveyard, say reports (businessinsider.com)
Human remains discovered in a 1,000-year-old cemetery near Kyiv, Ukraine, are believed to have pagan origins. Archaeologists found skeletons adorned with buckets on their feet and rings around their necks, providing a glimpse into the Dark Ages. The burial site also contained weapons, jewelry, and food offering remains. Researchers Vsevolod Ivakin and Vyacheslav Baranov identified the weapons as typical for the Kyivan Rus and northeastern Europe. A stone altar found at the site suggests pagan or early Christian rituals may have taken place there.
Presenting their findings at the Archaeological Institute of America annual meeting, Ivakin and Baranov described the graveyard as containing both male and female skeletons. However, only the female skeletons were found with elaborate neck rings, which were considered a type of social marker. The wooden buckets on the feet of some male graves were reminiscent of Prussian cremation and Pomeranian and Masovian inhumation cemeteries of military elites.
The artifacts found in the cemetery bear similarities to those discovered in the Baltics, which could be attributed to the rule of Volodymyr the Great, whose territories extended to the Baltics. The findings shed light on the religious shift in Ukrainian history and the spread of Christianity in Eastern Europe. Baranov emphasized that the findings align with pan-European historical processes and highlight the importance of studying European history as a whole.
The excavation project faced challenges due to the ongoing war in Ukraine. Despite the difficulties, the research continued in 2022 and 2023 with support from various organizations, including the German Research Foundation. The team of researchers faced personal losses and mobilization, which hindered the excavation process.