Jay Leno Files for Conservatorship of Wife Mavis in Light of Her Dementia Diagnosis

  • Jay Leno seeks conservatorship over wife Mavis to plan their estate amid her struggles with memory loss, comprehension issues, and delusions.
  • The conservatorship’s goal is to create a trust to provide for Mavis’ future care and her family after their deaths.
  • Mavis does not object to Jay being appointed as the probate conservator, aiming to guarantee her estate plan execution and future care through a living trust.

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Jay Leno has filed for a conservatorship over his wife, Mavis Leno, in order to plan their estate. Court documents obtained by Us Weekly reveal that Mavis, who is 77 years old, struggles with memory loss, comprehension issues, and delusional thoughts. She is currently being treated for dementia, depression, and anxiety. Due to her condition, a doctor has stated that Mavis is unable to participate in the conservatorship hearing and that her attendance would cause her undue stress and confusion.

Jay Leno’s goal in seeking the conservatorship is to create a trust to hold both his and Mavis’ interests in their community property. This would ensure that there are enough funds to provide for Mavis’ future care and for her family members after their deaths. Mavis has one living relative, her brother Rikki Nicholson, who lives next door to the couple.

The court documents also state that Mavis does not object to Jay being appointed as the probate conservator of her estate. Throughout their 43-year marriage, Jay has handled their finances and will continue to do so until his passing. The conservatorship estate will not be funded with any assets and is solely being established to guarantee that Mavis’ estate plan is executed and that her future care is taken care of through a living trust.

Jay Leno and Mavis Leno have been married for four decades, and Jay plans to support his wife’s physical and financial needs going forward. Mavis’ condition has been progressively worsening, rendering her incapable of executing an estate plan at this time. Jay’s primary aim is to ensure that Mavis’ wishes regarding the disposition of her assets upon her death are fulfilled.

A hearing for the conservatorship is scheduled for April 9, although Mavis will not attend due to her inability to understand the situation.

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