China’s hackers are preparing to cause real-world harm to Americans, says FBI Director

  • FBI Director Christopher Wray warns of significant harm and disruption planned by Chinese hackers targeting critical infrastructure in the US, including water treatment plants, electrical grids, and transportation systems.
  • The Justice Department’s cases against Chinese hackers demonstrate ongoing cyber activities targeting America’s economic security, innovation, and personal and corporate data.
  • Wray’s focus on the Chinese cyber threat contrasts with the administration’s attempts to ease tensions with China, highlighting the urgency to address and counter the risk posed by Chinese hackers. Top officials aim to raise awareness and take action to protect critical infrastructure and American interests.

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China’s hackers are reportedly planning to cause significant harm and disruption to Americans, according to a warning from FBI Director Christopher Wray. In upcoming congressional testimony, Wray, along with other top officials, will highlight the Chinese Communist Party’s cyber threats to critical infrastructure such as water treatment plants, electrical grids, oil and gas pipelines, and transportation systems. Wray emphasizes the urgent need for attention to this issue, citing the risk it poses to every American. His remarks come amidst ongoing efforts by the Biden administration to ease tensions with China, despite persistent warnings from Wray about the threat they pose.

Over the years, the Justice Department has brought numerous cases against Chinese hackers, serving as evidence of their ongoing activities. Wray will underscore that China not only targets America’s economic security but also engages in extensive theft of innovation and personal and corporate data. This further highlights the extent and seriousness of the threat posed by Chinese hackers.

Wray’s repeated focus on the Chinese cyber threat stands in contrast to the administration’s attempts to deescalate tensions with China. By drawing attention to this issue, Wray seeks to emphasize the urgency of addressing and countering the threat posed by China’s cyber operations. He warns that Chinese hackers not only attack American freedoms but also have the ability to infiltrate the country and undermine its citizens and residents.

The testimony of Wray and other top officials before the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party highlights the growing concern within the US government about the potential harm that China’s hackers can cause. Their statements aim to raise awareness and drive action to protect critical infrastructure and safeguard American interests from cyber threats originating in China.

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