Son of Man Accused in Southern Border Attack Plot Claims His Father Is Not a Terrorist

  • FBI accuses Paul Faye Sr. of planning attack on southern border; Joseph Faye claims his father is all talk.
  • Joseph Faye describes his father as a compulsive liar, insists he is not a terrorist.
  • Criminal complaint reveals Faye Sr. attempted to sell unregistered silencer and discussed plans to attack the border; Joseph Faye claims most weapons in father’s possession are his own.

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The FBI has accused Paul Faye Sr. of planning an attack on the southern border, but his son, Joseph Faye, claims his father is just someone who “talks a big game.” Joseph has stated that he warned his father about undercover agents, but Paul Sr. did not take his advice seriously.

In an interview with NBC News, Joseph Faye, 30, described his father as a “compulsive liar” who may talk about doing things but never actually follows through. He insists that his father is not a terrorist.

Paul Faye Sr. was charged with possessing an unregistered silencer under the National Firearms Act. The criminal complaint, filed on February 2, states that Faye Sr. attempted to sell an unregistered AK-47 suppressor to an undercover FBI agent.

According to the complaint, the undercover agent established contact with Faye Sr. through the social media platform TikTok. During a meeting in April, Faye Sr. expressed his beliefs that the federal government purposely allows illegal immigrants through the southern border and discussed his plans to attack it.

Faye Sr. detailed his intentions to transport explosives to the border and act as a sniper. He even mentioned specific locations from which he would target individuals. However, Joseph Faye claims that his father lacks the skill of a sniper, citing an incident while hunting where it took three shots to bring down a stationary deer.

Joseph also revealed that most of the weapons found in his father’s “war room” actually belong to him. The criminal complaint lists several firearms, including a Creedmoor rifle, several AR-15 rifles, and a shotgun, that were discovered during a visit by undercover agents.

For some time, Joseph suspected that his father’s new acquaintances could be undercover agents and repeatedly warned him about it. He noticed their changing vehicles and the fact that they always carried ARs. Despite his concerns, his father dismissed the idea that they were federal agents.

The original article can be found on Business Insider.

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