Harvey Weinstein in Hospital: Lawyer Describes Health as “Train Wreck”

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**Harvey Weinstein Faces Serious Health Concerns in NYC Hospitalization**

In a recent development, disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein has been admitted to a New York City hospital, grappling with a slew of severe health complications. According to his attorney, Weinstein’s condition is dire, described metaphorically as a “train wreck,” highlighting the critical nature of his ailments.

Weinstein, known for his once-powerful position in the entertainment industry, is reportedly suffering from a range of health issues that include cardiac problems, diabetes, sleep apnea, and significant eye problems, painting a grim picture of his physical state.

This hospitalization comes in the aftermath of a Los Angeles judge condemning Weinstein to a 16-year prison sentence, adding to his legal woes amid a career overshadowed by numerous allegations and legal battles.

In a twist of events, Weinstein saw his New York convictions overturned by an appeals court, yet this legal victory seems overshadowed by his current health crisis. Despite this, Weinstein remains under custody, with the New York City Department of Correction confirming his location at Bellevue Hospital.

As more details emerge, the spotlight once again turns to Weinstein, not for his cinematic achievements but for the dramatic unfolding of his personal and legal dramas, now compounded by significant health issues.

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