“Gen Z Entrepreneur Builds Million-Dollar Landscaping Business Without College Degree”

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**Gen Z’s Shift to Trades: Seeking Success Outside the College Classroom**

In a bold move that’s becoming increasingly common among his generation, Chase Gallagher, a Gen Z entrepreneur, has bypassed the conventional route of attending college and instead has successfully launched his own landscaping company, CMG Landscaping. Gallagher’s choice reflects a growing trend among Generation Z, who are questioning the once unwavering belief in the necessity of a college degree for financial prosperity.

Nationwide, the allure of a four-year college degree is dimming for many in Gen Z, with the daunting price tag and uncertain return on investment leading young individuals to reconsider their educational paths. Instead, there’s a noticeable pivot towards vocational and trade-focused programs, often found in community colleges, where skills in construction trades, maintenance, and other hands-on careers are developed. This shift is not just about affordability; it’s about a strategic decision to enter the workforce earlier, with less debt, and with the potential to earn a substantial income.

The financial strain associated with higher education has left many questioning its value, fostering a culture among the younger generation that values financial independence and wealth-building from a younger age. Trade jobs offer a viable path to achieving these goals, with the added appeal of job security and the prospect of entrepreneurship. Social media has further catalyzed this trend, showcasing the success stories of young trade workers and entrepreneurs who’ve made a name for themselves outside the white-collar world.

Trade careers are also challenging stereotypes and promoting diversity within industries historically dominated by men. Women, like Emily Shaw, are increasingly drawn to the construction industry, motivated by the lucrative salaries, job security, and the empowering opportunity to run their own businesses. Shaw’s success story and others like it are dismantling old narratives and inspiring a new generation to explore non-traditional career paths.

The evolving perceptions among Gen Z regarding work, success, and how to achieve financial independence are reshaping the American workforce. As more young people like Gallagher and Shaw pave their way in the trades, they not only challenge the status quo but also highlight the changing value of a college degree in today’s economic landscape.

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