“Ukraine to Draft Prisoners for War Effort, Excludes Violent Criminals”

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**Ukraine Adopts Controversial Conscripting Approach Amid War Efforts**

In a move that has sparked widespread discussion and debate, the Ukrainian parliament has taken a bold step to bolster its military ranks by passing legislation that allows for the conscription of inmates into its armed forces as it continues to fend off Russian aggression. This strategy marks a notably different approach to incorporating prisoners into military efforts compared to Russia, which has also leveraged its inmate population for war but has not shied away from sending violent criminals to the front lines.

Under the newly passed Ukrainian bill, the conscription will selectively target prisoners who have less than three years remaining on their sentences. This criteria sets a clear boundary, distinguishing it from the broader, more indiscriminate Russian practice. Officials estimate that this initiative could see between 15,000 to 20,000 prisoners being mobilized for the war effort, providing a significant boost to Ukrainian military capabilities.

This legislative move comes at a critical time for Ukraine as it faces a “reinvigorated” Russian military force. In a parallel response to the demands of prolonged conflict, Ukraine recently made adjustments to its draft policies by lowering the draft age to 25. Meanwhile, Russia has moved in the opposite direction by expanding its military draft pool, raising the maximum conscription age to 30, thereby enlarging its armed forces.

The differentiation in policy concerning the conscription of inmates with violent backgrounds between Ukraine and Russia highlights a stark contrast in warfare ethics and strategies employed by the two nations. As Ukraine navigates the complexities of warfare and the challenges of fortifying its defense, this new legislative action on prisoner conscription underscores the country’s determination and adaptability in the face of a towering adversary.

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