US and Japan Collaborate to Combat Unstoppable Hypersonic Missiles

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In a groundbreaking move to bolster defenses against emerging missile threats, the United States and Japan have decided to jointly work on the creation of a missile defense system capable of intercepting hypersonic missiles, according to the US Department of Defense. Unlike traditional projectiles, hypersonic missiles pose a significant challenge to current defense mechanisms due to their ability to fly at low altitudes and follow unpredictable trajectories. This collaboration marks a crucial step in countering potential threats from nations such as China and Russia.

Recently, the US and Japan solidified their commitment by signing a formal agreement to launch the Glide Phase Interceptor (GPI) Cooperative Development Project. This venture aims to devise a system that can stop hypersonic weapons during the glide phase of their flight.

This agreement is the result of over a year of negotiations, originating from discussions during a summit between Japan and the US in August 2023. The US Missile Defense Agency is set to spearhead the GPI’s development, with Japan providing key components.

Both countries have emphasized that the GPI is envisioned to enhance regional defense capabilities over time, within a comprehensive and layered defensive strategy. This endeavor builds on the long-standing missile defense collaboration between the US and Japan, aiming to reinforce the alliance’s deterrence posture.

The necessity for the GPI comes in light of the growing threat from hypersonic weapons, which neither country is presently equipped to counter. Although US forces have managed to intercept advanced missile threats in the past, hypersonic missiles such as China’s DF-17 equipped with glide vehicles and Russia’s Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles present a new level of challenge.

The collaboration on the GPI reflects broader concerns over China’s expanding missile arsenal, which threatens US bases in Japan and other Pacific locations, as well as the deepening military cooperation between China and Russia. There are also concerns over North Korea’s claims of developing hypersonic missiles.

This project underscores the urgent need for improved defenses as current and former US military leaders, along with lawmakers and experts, have raised alarms about the inadequacy of America’s current defenses against a potential barrage of hypersonic weaponry.

Previously, the US and Japan have seen success in missile defense cooperation, notably with the Standard Missile 3 (SM-3) Block IIA interceptor. This system, which was tested and used in combat as part of the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense system, showcased the capability to intercept targets outside of Earth’s atmosphere. This collaboration and the ongoing GPI development signify significant strides in fortifying defenses against complex aerial threats.

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