Parent Ready for Break as Son Heads to College After Graduation

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As my son prepared to leave for college, I found myself unexpectedly eager for the transition. While some may see this as longing for a break from parenting duties, it was more about embracing a new chapter in both our lives.

As a member of a Facebook group for mothers facing an empty nest, I openly shared my sentiments, hoping to find support. Surprisingly, I discovered several moms who resonated with my feelings, and we quickly formed a strong bond.

Having raised my son alone, our bond was inevitably tight. The thought of him being away even for short periods used to fill me with dread. Therefore, my enthusiasm for his departure after finishing high school caught many, including myself, off guard.

After 16 years of single parenthood, the fatigue had set in, leading to quiet judgments from others who couldn’t understand my perspective. Despite the help from family, friends, and a supportive ex-husband, balancing the responsibilities of the so-called “sandwich generation” was a tall order. By his senior year, I was overwhelmed.

A chance remark from a friend about my son’s possible inability to attend a trade school in Florida sparked an unexpected reaction from me, revealing my deep-seated desire for a change. This revelation left me feeling isolated among other moms who dreaded their children’s departure.

In a bold move, I shared my true feelings in the Facebook group, unsure of the response. While many couldn’t relate, a personal message from a mom named Laurie showed me I wasn’t alone. We, along with others in similar situations, found solace in our shared experiences.

This group of women became my support system as we tackled life’s challenges together, from parenting and personal growth to overcoming adversity. My son’s time away became a fertile ground for our relationship to mature, proving that honesty about one’s feelings can lead to unexpected, meaningful connections.

As we navigated our journeys, my son and I learned to communicate more intentionally, strengthening our bond and understanding of each other as individuals. Reflecting on this journey underscores the importance of finding one’s tribe and the beauty of evolving relationships.

For more insights, you can check the original story on Business Insider.

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