Ukraine Equips Sea Drones with Rockets to Strike Land Targets, Official Confirms

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A Ukrainian state-affiliated media outlet recently shared a photo showcasing a naval drone equipped with a rocket launcher, marking a significant advancement in Ukraine’s military capabilities. This development has been confirmed by a Ukrainian official speaking to the Financial Times, who disclosed that the country has started arming its sea drones with rockets to target Russian forces in the Mykolaiv region, particularly in the occupied Kinburn Spit. A video circulating online showcases one of these drones launching rockets at Russian military positions, reinforcing these claims.

The Financial Times report, based on information from an anonymous Ukrainian intelligence source, reveals that Ukraine’s Sea Baby naval drones have been outfitted with Grad multiple-launch rocket systems. These modifications have allowed the drones to effectively strike Russian locations, a move that an unnamed security insider confirmed to the Kyiv Independent, noting the significant impact of this technological enhancement.

However, when Business Insider reached out for a comment, the Security Service of Ukraine did not provide an immediate response. Nonetheless, the video evidence shared by both Russian and Ukrainian sources, as well as a former advisor to Ukraine’s internal affairs ministry, Anton Gerashchenko, supports the assertions about the drone attacks. Gerashchenko shared a video on X, showing the unmanned surface drone hitting Russian targets near the Kinburn Spit.

Military experts and defense-focused media outlets, including Ukraine’s defense ministry and the Militarnyi military website, have further discussed these drones. The defense ministry highlighted that the Sea Baby drones, armed with “Grad” rocket launchers, have now become a more formidable threat to the Russian navy.

These naval drones have played a crucial role throughout the ongoing conflict, with Ukraine continually enhancing their capabilities. Reports suggest that these drones, now equipped with larger warheads and possibly heat-seeking missiles, have been used against Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, inflicting significant damage.

Moreover, Russia claimed to have neutralized six Ukrainian naval drones last week, in what may have been one of Ukraine’s largest drone assaults aimed at major Russian naval bases, including Sevastopol and Novorossiysk, as reported by the Kyiv Independent.

As Ukraine continues to innovate in its military strategy against Russian forces, the introduction of rocket-armed sea drones represents a new chapter in the use of unmanned systems in warfare, signaling potential “new surprises” for the enemy in the ongoing conflict.

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