4 Iowa College Teachers Wounded in China: Governor Describes Attack as ‘Horrifying’

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Four faculty members from Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa, sustained injuries during a grave incident while visiting China, announced the college on Monday.

The event occurred at a public park in Jilin City, China, on Sunday, as per the college’s announcement.

The faculty members were visiting as part of Cornell College’s partnership with Beihua University and were with a local professor when they encountered the incident, the college detailed.

A visual accompanying the announcement depicted Cornell College’s campus in Mount Vernon, Iowa.

Iowa’s Governor, Kim Reynolds, communicated her response to the distressing event on X Monday, stating she has been in dialogue with both Iowa’s federal representatives and the state department concerning the incident.

Reynolds urged for prayers for the injured individuals’ recovery, their safe repatriation, and their families waiting back home.

The U.S. State Department has confirmed its awareness of the stabbing occurrence in Jilin, within the People’s Republic of China.

“As we continue to keep an eye on the situation, we currently have no additional details to share,” mentioned the department in its statement.

Cornell College is recognized as a private institution focusing on the liberal arts, located in Mount Vernon, Iowa.

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