California Ballot to Include Prop 47 Revision Vote This November

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In November, California residents will have the opportunity to vote on whether to modify a legislation linked to a surge in theft across the state. State authorities announced on Tuesday that the proposed change has garnered the necessary petition signatures to appear on the ballot, with an expected certification for the Nov. 5 general election to occur later in the month.

The law in question, Proposition 47, was approved by Californian voters in 2014 and led to the reclassification of several non-violent offenses, including drug possession and property crimes involving items worth $950 or less, from felonies to misdemeanors. Additionally, it made individuals already convicted of these felonies eligible for resentencing.

However, this law has faced criticism for contributing to an uptick in retail theft and other criminal activities.

The measure set to appear on the November ballot, named the Homelessness Drug and Theft Reduction Act, proposes adjustments to Proposition 47. If passed, it would permit felony charges for the possession of specific drugs, such as fentanyl, and for thefts not exceeding $950. Furthermore, it aims to address issues related to homelessness, mental health, and addiction, in an effort to tackle the underlying problems contributing to the state’s theft and drug crisis.

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