Antelope Dies Choking on Cap at Tennessee Zoo

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Over the weekend, a tragic incident occurred at Bright Zoo in Tennessee where a rare antelope named Leif died after accidentally ingesting a plastic cap from a squeezable food pouch. According to zoo director David Bright, during a routine enclosure check, a zookeeper noticed Leif exhibiting unusual behavior and discovered fluid leaking from his mouth. Despite immediate efforts by the zoo’s veterinary team to remove the obstruction, they were unable to save the antelope in time.

Bright Zoo, a privately-owned facility known for its collection of exotic animals, enforces strict controls on items brought into the zoo, including a ban on squeezable pouches due to the danger their packaging presents to animals. Despite these precautions and mandatory bag checks at the entrance, the fatal cap somehow made its way into Leif’s enclosure. The zoo has communicated through social media the importance of these rules, emphasizing the threat posed by such items, which can be mistaken for food by the animals.

Since the incident was reported, there has been a wave of sympathy from the public, but no one has yet admitted to accidentally introducing the cap into the antelope’s environment. The zoo director expressed a wish for whoever was responsible to come forward, emphasizing the difficulty of not knowing the circumstances of how the cap ended up in the enclosure.

Leif, known among the zoo staff for his gentle nature and tendency to follow them closely during feeding times, is sorely missed, not only by the zookeepers but also by his mate, who has been visibly distressed by his absence. At 7 years old, Leif was in the prime of his life, with potentially many more years ahead of him. Bright Zoo is also home to other rare and exotic animals, including the addax, bongo, and scimitar oryx, all of which require careful handling and a safe environment to thrive.

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